Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Ummm...This has started WAY too early!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I'm Supposed to be Working...

- Cole started full on walking shortly after he turned 1,
- has 6 teeth and practically cuts a new one every other day,
- says a variety of words (Mama, DaDa, Gee-Gee, Poppa, cracker, bubbles, outs-hide (outside), doggie, tea, and a whole lot of babble),
- loves being outside,
- likes to play in the pool,
- enjoys bathtime, and
- LOVES to eat - especially bread and butter, pickles, chicken and dumplings. I'm so glad he isn't a picky eater (I hope I didn't just jinx myself)
- Cole loves going to the park and playing on the slides and swings with Gee-Gee and Poppa,
- He loves to "read" books, or at least turn or rip out the pages
- And so many other wonderful and new things!
The one thing I've found with motherhood that has gotten increasingly more difficult is the time I'm away from Cole. Getting up and leaving him every morning is very hard :( I know he's staying with my parents, two people that love him dearly, but I want to be the one that enjoys the day with him! By the time I get home from work, I want to spend all my time playing with Cole, but I've got the other motherly/wifely obligations to do, too - laundry, dishes, house cleaning, etc., then it's Cole-Man's bedtime. It's hard to balance my time appropriately and get everything done that needs to be, AND spend time with my toddler, not to mention my husband.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I finish a projcect at work, and I like to contribute to my household financially, but I'm very confused as to how to find the correct balance - baby/work/personal time?? I guess it's Mommy guilt, but man, it's tough!
Enough of the poor me stuff. Here are some fairly recent family pictures: