
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cole Driskill Griffin

He is here! After 38 weeks and 3 days, Cole Driskill Griffin made his grand entry on April 13th. Call me biased, but he is PERFECT! Cole weighed in at 7 lbs and 8 oz, is 21 1/4 inches long, and has a head FULL of dark brown hair! Words cannot begin to describe the feelings I have when I look into his little face. All I know for certain is I'm totally, completely, 100%, head-over-heels in love with this little guy!

Cole's birth day started just like any other day really. We woke up on Monday fully intending to tie up a few loose ends. I wasn't going to work because I had a Dr.'s appointment in the afternoon, and we were going to take the morning to run our errands - pick up and pay our taxes, go to the bank, etc.. What is it they say about best laid plans?

JT left around 8:30 to go on to his office and while I was getting around I noticed I was having cramps. I had been for about the last 24 hours, but they weren't that painful nor were they consistent so I figured it was just the pains of late stage pregnancy. However, one new symptom never before seen during my pregnancy was blood (sorry if that is TMI)! This scared me. I first called JT and asked him to turn around and come back home, and then I called the doctor.

Annetta, the nurse, immediately took my call and told me to head on over to labor and delivery and that she would call Dr. Thompson...PAUSE...Dr. Who? Annetta told me that my doctor was out of town and that Dr. Thompson would be attending me. Now, I knew my doc had left town for a few days, but I was under the impression she had made it back considering I had an appointment later that afternoon. Tuns out I was wrong and she was in Boston...

Back to the story. Annetta told me not to worry and that it is probably just the early signs of active labor. I didn't really have time to freak out because I was frantically trying to shower, get dressed, and grab a few essentials that were not in our "hospital bag". By this point, JT is home (I'm betting he turned a 20 minute drive into about a 10 minute drive) and loading the truck. We get situated and head to St. Francis.

By the time we are 5 minutes in the drive I start noticing my "cramps" are getting a little stronger and closer together. I told JT this and he immediately put the gas to the floor. I was more scared of his driving at this point and explained to him that it wouldn't do either one of us any good if we were to wreck or get pulled over. Not 5 minutes after I uttered the words "pulled over" that is, in fact, what happened!

It was just like what you see in a bad episode of COPS. We're racing down Yale, maybe 2 miles from the hospital, when an unmarked car tuns on his lights. JT isn't stopping. He looks at me and says, "my flashers are on and we are so close to the hospital, this guy is just going to have to follow me." Well, Mr. Policeman had a different idea. He evidently called for reinforcements because now there are two unmarked cars behind us and the first officer is on his bullhorn yelling "pull it over". JT pulls into a parking lot and yells to the cop what the situation is. I figure he'd probably heard that one before because he came up to the window of the truck to take a look at my rather large belly. He let us go, but warned JT not to do 71 in a 45 again! See, I told you his driving was a little frightening!

By the time I get into the hospital and check in with the the Labor and Delivery (L and D) unit it is about 9:45-10. They assign me L and D nurse, Sarah, who is a WONDERFUL person! Dr. Thompson comes in and introduces himself, checks me and tells me I'm dilated to a 4 and am in active labor!! HOLY SMOKES! He breaks my water and tells me I'll have a baby around 8 that evening (HA - that's what he thinks!). Dr. Thompson proceeds to explain a few things to me, we become more acquainted, and he tells me that I can have the epidural whenever I want it, but that he suggests the sooner the better. By this time, Mom has made it from one hospital (Bartlesville, where my grandmother is) to another, and is with me. Dad, who is at a meeting in Oklahoma City has finished up and is on his way back. It is a waiting game at this point, but it at least looked like everyone that mattered would be at the hospital when Cole made his appearance.

Around 2:00 Sarah comes in and tells me that Cole must not like my position. She rolls me over to my right side and puts the oxygen mask on my face. For the next hour she is closely watching the monitor and we are too. We notice at one point Cole's heart is near 200 - that isn't good! She told me that she was going to call the Doc and have him take a look at my progress. She asked me if I needed anything in the meantime, and I requested to see the anesthesiologist so he could check my epidural. I could feel my left leg as well as sharp pains in my lower back - I definitely wanted this fixed before the actual delivery. Both Docs come in a few minutes later. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot to help with the pain in my back, but informs me that the pain could be caused by the fact that the baby is on a nerve and it may stay this way through delivery. Greaaaat!

Dr. Thompson is up next and he takes a look at my progress as well as the monitors. He tells me that I'm fully dilated, and then calmly tells me that the baby is tachycardic. He says that although I'm fully dilated the baby isn't as far down the birth canal as he would like. He gives me a choice - either try to get the baby out immediately the good ol' fashion way or a C-Section. I make the choice to try, but he tells me that if at any point he feels that the baby can't handle it he will perform a C-Section.

Things started moving very quickly at this point. The nurses began prepping me and the room, and everyone but my Mother and JT were asked to leave. We started the actual delivery process at 3:00 and by 3:35 I had a baby boy in my arms, but he didn't get to stay there for long.

Due to the fact the delivery was so fast Cole was unable to expel all the fluid from his lungs and he needed to go to the NICU for monitoring. Also, I spiked a fever during the delivery and Dr. Thompson wanted to make sure I didn't have an infection that could have been passed on to the baby. Cole ended up staying in the NICU until Thursday evening when he was given a clean bill of health - no fluid, no infections!

Everyone has been so wonderful during the entire process - JT and my Mom were great support during delivery, Dr. Thompson and the nurses were phenomenal, and all of our friends and family have been so kind to offer any kind of assistance we might need for the first few weeks. Thank you all so much!

That is Cole's birth story. I know it is long, and maybe too detailed, but it is important to me. For now, we are home, resting (some), and so very happy! Being at home with this perfect little baby brings a whole new perspective to the saying, "home is where the heart is"!


  1. That story brings a tear to my eye. Isn't it the most amazing thing? But the part about JT getting pulled over is hilarious!!! I'm proud of him for not pulling over until he was at the hospital! Go Dad! So when do we get to see some pictures?!

  2. I'm so happy for you that I can't even explain it. Isn't it wonderful being a mommy? And JT had his first taste of sacrifice for his son. Cole will love that story someday!

  3. SO Great!!! I love that you got the whole car chase scene in on the way to the hospital, very manly - Cole will love telling that story to impress some chicks someday...Would have been more dramatic if they had arrested JT, but I'm glad they didn't! So glad you're home and well with your little guy...love you!!
